Channel: True Freethinker - Cain
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Cain’s serpent seedine’s satanic genetics with Enterthe5t4rz


To the issue of the lines not being genetic, Enterthe5t4rz replied thusly:

Its about genetics, which is why the GENtiles were the ones who had the snake tiles and corrupted DNA and the Jews maintained the pure bloodline of Jesus. It's why the genetic reproductive sin had a genetic reproductive punishment. Child bearing and birth pains. Snake had to go on his WOMB and eat dust.

My reply was:

Friend, I am unsure to what you are referring to by “snake tiles” but it is reading into the text to assert that “the Jews maintained the pure bloodline of Jesus” due to Gentiles carrying Satanic genetics. Eve’s curse is directly related to the little we are told about her: she is the mother of all living and so in that capacity she would suffer pain, or increased pain, in childbirth. Also, the womb is inside of the body so the serpent was to go on its belly and eat dust which is a reference, or so it seems to me, to going after humans as there is a correlation between the term for dust or earth and Adam and thus humans.

The very odd reply, which is sadly typical Enterthe5t4rz’s views, was:

Scales fell from Saul's eyes and he could see. These were the serpent scales. The hexagons, which just so happens to be the shape of snake skin, the cross section of the rods and cones of our eyes and the cross section of the lens of your eye. These were the serpent scales that fell from Saul's eyes. Jesus removed the curse.

My reply:

Friend, I am flummoxed as I am unsure as to how we go from something like scales falling from his eyes to these actually being scales, which you know were hexagons (and there is no such thing as “the shape of snake skin” as snake skin, specifically the scales, come in various shapes depending on the sort of snake), that it has anything to do with cross sections of the rods, cones, lens etc. The Bible seems to be telling us not much more than what fell from his eyes was the same thing you pick or wash from your eyes every single morning (just perhaps much more of it such as happens to us when we get an eye infection but that is just a guess).
ASV, YLT, DBY “there fell from his eyes AS IT WERE scales”

Enterthe5t4rz’s claim that God’s throne in our brain
(if we turn it upside down and cut off the brainstem)
and that thus, God’s throne looks like a gamer’s bean bag

The reply simply ignored my evidence in the form of quotations and citations and stated:

Its simple. scales are hexagons. They are in your rods and cones as well as your lens. It surrounds the world, just as it does in real life. The SAME HEXAGONS are in the earth formations and in the dome firmament.

It may be simple but I do not know to what it refers:

So you are referring to hexagonal scales on a snake’s skin which are rods, cones and lenses in our eye which also surround the world and are in earth formations and in the dome firmament? Friend, But friend, I will back up so as to make sure that I understand rather than just saying something like that since I do not understand what you mean then you are mistaken. As I noted, some snake’s scales are hexagons and some are not: this is a simple biological fact. Yet, regardless, what does the shape of (some) scales have to do with Paul and the serpent seed theory?

They reply was:

The base shape of the snake scales are hexagons. The same hexagon on the north pole of Saturn, which is the god Chronos, SINE wave, or TIME. We got locked in the time dimension when Eve sinned. The scale pattern is all around us. The story of Saul was illustrating this scale sickness we have.

As you can tell, this person has clearly gone off the deep end and then went down a bottomless pit. It is tragically sad but this is actually well in keeping with most of that which he states in videos and writing.

Well, friend, it is as simple as this: the Bible’s actual statement is that “there fell from his eyes something like scales.” You ignore that the Bible specifies that they were not scales but “as it had been,” “something like,” “as it were scales” and you claim that the Bible’s statement means that they were snake’s scales, which have something to do with Saturn’s pole, that the planet or the pole or the hexagon or something is the god Chronos and that this means that we got locked in the time dimension when Eve sinned. Clearly, you are making a Tower of Babel out of a grain of sand which is not even a grain of sand but something like a grain of sand.

But please focus on this one issue: you claim that Eve’s sin caused us to get “locked in the time dimension” which, of course, means that we got locked in post fall. Now, please consider the clearly stated words of the Bible. The fall occurs in Genesis 3 so let us look at Genesis 1 which refers to:
“the beginning” which is a time stamp.
“evening and the morning” is referred to six times which is a time stamp, a way to mark the passage of time.
The “lights in the firmament” were “to divide the day from the night” and be “signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years” which are to mark the passage of time.
“two great lights…to rule the day…to rule the night” which are to mark the passage of time.
“to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness” to mark the passage of time.
“Be fruitful, and multiply” which required a movement in time from copulation to the period of pregnancy to giving birth.

Also, the fact that the historical record of Genesis is sequential means that time is passing. We could do the same with chapter 2. In short, you simply must put aside your personal views on the time dimension and humble yourself before God’s word which states that God established the time dimension before the fall.

In the next segment, we will consider Cain as serpent seed of Satan with Enterthe5t4rz.

For my entire serpent seed of Satan section see here.


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Due to robo-spaming, I had to close the comment sections. However, you can comment on my Twitter page, on my Facebook page and/or on my Google+ page.

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