Sherry Shriner notes that “Most church pastors today will pull out Genesis 4:1 which reads, ‘And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord.’” Well, of course, because it utterly discredits that Serpent Seed of Satan theory. Yet, she then notes that “There are many omissions and translation errors throughout the Bible.” Then, fascinatingly, she notes:
The Dead Sea Scrolls confirm that Genesis 4:1 was tampered with. In fact the passage should read:
And Adam knew his wife Eve, who was pregnant by Sammael (Satan), and she conceived and bare Cain, and he was like the heavenly beings, and not like the earthly beings, and she said, I have gotten a man from the angel of the Lord.
This is fascinating because the fact is that the are a very fragmentary collection of texts and the fact is that Genesis 4:1 is not represented in the Dead Sea Scrolls (probably why she does not provide a citation).
So whence comes the quotation? As far as I can tell, it is a peculiar paraphrase of the Targum of Palestine aka Targum of Jonathan Ben Uzziel yet, more accurately the Targum Pseudo-Jonathan which dates from the 600s AD. The text actually reads, “And Adam knew Hava his wife, who had desired the Angel; and she conceived, and bare Kain; and she said, I have acquired a man, the Angel of the Lord.”
This has multiple problems such as that Hava/Eve had sex with, knew, Adam even though she “had desired the Angel.” This Targum’s Genesis 3:6 has the being with whom Eve interacted as being “Sammael, the angel of death” yet Satan is not an Angel but is a Cherub (Ezekiel 28:14) and he is not the “angel of death.” Also, Cain is said to be “the Angel of the Lord” (FYI: Angles and Cherubs are different categories of being, have different titles, different job functions and look different).
Apparently, even this very late dated and folklore filled paraphrase was not enough to Sherry Shriner and so she, apparently, invented an even less biblical version to the effect that Even “was pregnant by Sammael” which she simply asserts is “(Satan)” but even though Cain was Satan’s son, “he was like the heavenly beings” and even though Eve had gotten a son from Satan she states that she got him “from the angel of the Lord.”
Compare this, for example, to another Targum, that of Onkelos which dates to the 2nd century AD and reads very commonly, “And Adam knew Hava his wife, and she conceived, and gave birth to Kain; and she said, I have acquired the man from before the Lord.”
Note that even though Genesis 4:1 is not found among the Dead Sea Scrolls, Genesis 4:2 is found therein and it reads as follows in 4Q2 Genesisb “Again she gave birth, to Cain’s brother Abel. Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.” Since verse 2 is as it is commonly known then it is safe to assume that verse 1 likewise read as it is commonly known. In fact, all ancient Hebrew, Greek, Syriac and other languages have 4:1 as it is commonly known and it is not until over half a millennia after the time of Jesus that a very late dated Targum invents a new version of it.
Now, as per Serpent Seedline of Satan theorists Genesis’ reference to “tree” is a reference to Satan. This is because Adam and Eve are forbidden from partaking of it but when she does so “fruit” is said to be sex with Satan. Of course, Adam also partook of the fruit so what does that tell you?
Sherry Shriner states, “Trees are often used as metaphors in regards to people. Jesus was the ‘tree of life.’” So apparently, they were forbidden to have sex with Satan but allowed to have sex with Jesus: heterosexual sex for Eve and homosexual sex for Adam. Genesis 2:16-17 states, “Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it.” Thus, if and since “Trees are often used as metaphors in regards to people” and this is the case with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil being Satan then Adam and Eve were allowed to have sex with a whole bunch of people who or whatever they were.
She attempts to get out of this self made conundrum by asserting “Who was the tree of life in the Garden of Eden? Yahshua [Jesus] was” in the very same way that “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” was “Lucifer.” So then; it must be the same case, symbolism, with both? Well now, because she decides to simply ask “How do we ‘eat of the tree of life?’” and answers, “We commune with Him” but “We are never to commune with Lucifer, and in this instance he seduced Eve, impregnated her, and began his own genealogical offspring and seedline on this earth that is part of us today.” So simply because it would cause her problems, she decides to claim that fruit in one case is commune and fruit in the other case is sex—such a claim discredits itself.
Of course, just because, for example, Jesus likens trees to people and fruits as their actions does not mean that we can read that symbolism back to Genesis as it has its own context which does not, logically or theologically, allow for any such interpretation.
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