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Bertrand L. Comparet on pre Adamic races

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…Genesis 4:1. "And Adam knew his wife, and she conceived
and bare Cain." Notice that what is not said is more significant that
what is said, the Bible nowhere says Adam begat Cain…there are
literal children of Satan surviving in the world today…

—Bertrand L. Comparet

With this series, which I herein continue, I will consider Bertrand L. Comparet, A.B., J.D.’s The Cain/Satanic Seed Line. You can find the series on Comparet here.

Bertrand L. Comparet also hold to the un-, non- and anti-biblical view that there were “millions of the pre Adamic, Asiatic and African people around” at the time of the Garden of Eden event. And this is part of his racism as he specifies that “Adam was the son of Yahweh. It doesn't record that about any of these pre Adamic people mentioned in Genesis chapter 1”—for some odd reason, he did not get around to telling us exactly whereabouts in Genesis 1 (or anywhere else) we are told of pre-Adamic humans (if racists such as Comparet would even call them humans).

He claims that “The trees in the Garden of Eden were the family trees of nations and races…Adam and Eve weren't supposed to intermingle with these people. If Negroes and Asiatics were all that Yahweh wanted, He already had them…Adam and Eve were told not to mongrelize their race with these per Adamic people that were in the world.”
Note how inconsistent he is since on his very own view this actually means that as per Genesis 2 Adam and Eve were allowed to have sex with multiple partners of multiple nations and race since God stated “Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat” with the one exception.

Bertrand L. Comparet then gives us another faulty Hebrew lesson in claiming that in Genesis 3:13 the term translated as beguiled “means seduced.” So what of it: his mind is in the sexual gutter but one can seduce sexually or not such as an advertisement that is designed to seduce you into purchasing a product.

Of course, Bertrand L. Comparet’s goal is to claim that “Cain was the product of this seduction.” He tells us that the enmity will be between the woman’s literal seed and the serpent’s literal seed, “Satan was to have just as literal children in this world as Eve was to have.”
Well, ultimately the woman’s seed is Jesus and so even in the roundabout way of the ultimate fulfillment via that virgin birth indeed, seed means offspring: direct or not. The issue is that indeed, biblically there are two seedlines but they are not based on genetics but rather on actions: sinful Satanic actions versus righteous Godly actions. The good news is that since it is not about genetics the sinful Satanic line can repent.

Comparet then tells us that “churchianity preachers” will point out the fact that Genesis 4:1 states, “And Adam knew his wife, and she conceived and bare Cain” just as he quotes it to which the then comments, “Notice that what is not said is more significant that what is said, the Bible nowhere says Adam begat Cain.”
It is literally beyond reason to quote a text which states that “Adam knew his wife, and she conceived and bare Cain” and conclude from it that “the Bible nowhere says Adam begat Cain.” Sadly, is a typical great example of how the serpent seedline of Satan theory is concocted and promulgated.
He merely attempts to sidestep the fact by pointing out the “monotonous regularity with which it [the Old Testament] always says, and so and so begat whosis and whosis begat what's his name and what's his name begat somebody else, and so on….You got citizenship because your ancestors.” Yet, a straight reading of clear text is that there were Adam and Eve and they began Cain—period.
In fact, for what it is worth (and I think that it is worth a lot) Angels look just like human males but since Satan is a Cherub he has four face, four wings but we get not description of their torso much less their nether regions. They may not even have the necessary equipment, as it were, to engage in such physically copulating activities. You will note that Satan was not involved in the Genesis 6 affair when Angels married human women and had offspring.

He keep digging a hole, the hole into which he is casting his integrity, by actually writing, “So Adam knew his wife and she conceived…I didn't say the one caused the other. I said two things happened, one happened first and the other happened second. I never said they were cause and effect.”
For proof that the Bible elucidating cause and effect is not the Bible elucidating cause and effect he points us to Genesis 5 wherein “you will find the list of Adam's descendants. Cain's name is nowhere to be found.”
The issue is that genealogies had one ultimate purpose and it was to result in Jesus. Cain is not listed because he absconded from Adam and Eve and started his own family. Seth is the genealogy which eventually lead to Jesus.
Comparet point is that “The satanic bloodline crept in through Cain, possibly earlier, among the pre Adamic people. There were pre Adamic people who were not necessarily satanic. There were some pre Adamic people into whom the satanic bloodline came, and there were even some of the descendants of Adam who probably mongrelized.”

We now also learn that he also denies another biblical teaching in referring to the great flood/the deluge thusly, “this flood did not cover the whole earth as is falsely taught in the churches of today.” Well, the churches of today teach that because the Bible states, “the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered. Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered” (Genesis 7).
Yet, in his clumsy and anti-biblical manner, Comparet is attempting to systematize his serpent seedline of Satan theory. Thus, there is a reason for his denial of biblical facts (in fact, note how one false doctrine to cause another and another and another). He must do away with the worldwide flood in order to allow for his theorizing and not because of the Bible’s clear statements on the event.

Bertrand L. Comparet notes that “Noah…and his family were the ones in the area that were still pure in their bloodlines” and that “the flood wiped out the mongrelized Adamites.”

So, “pre Adamic people…were not necessarily satanic” but some were, Noah and family were pure Adamite and “the flood wiped out the mongrelized Adamites” so we are doing pretty well overall. In fact, since Noah and family were pure then it is end of serpent seedline story right? The pre Adamites are gone, the mongrelized Adamites are gone and all that is left is Noah and Adamite family. That should be the logical and theological end of Comparet’s story.
But wait—for some odd reason—there’s more!

Well, “The pure descendants of Adam multiplied and then you come to the fact of the satanic bloodline getting in there…What would be the obvious move on Satan's part to thwart this plan? The obvious thing to do would be to mongrelize the descendants of Adam” but how?


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