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It is simply amazing the various unreasonable, preposterous, nonsensical
and twisted arguments that opponents of Two Seedline teaching advance to
secure their groundless, unfounded and insecure positions.
—Clifton A. Emahiser
Herein I conclude reviewing Clifton A. Emahiser’s The Great Two Seedline Controversy War in Identity and you can find the series here (emphasis within quotes from Emahiser are his own).
He wrote:
The concept of Two Seedlines…predicates that when Satan fell, with the rest of his satanic beings, they left the dimension of spirit and entered the dimension of the physical, as men. (Jude 6): “And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation (or principality, KJV center reference), he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.” (no longer having access to Yahweh’s dimension).
Sadly, it is very common knowledge to think that the fall of Satan and Angels has something to do with a spirit dimension (or that they were spirits) and a physical one (that they became physical beings).
However, the Bible knows no such thing. There is no reason to think that the Bible is telling us anything but that Satan and Angels (being that Satan is a Cherub) are physical and always have been. They seem to inhabit bodies as physical as Jesus’ post resurrection bodies meaning physical yet, with access to other dimensions. For example, Jesus could be touched, He ate, etc. but He could walk through a closed door, etc.
Thus, “their first estate” and “own habitation” is not about leaving their…well, leaving their what spirit existence and becoming physical? No. Clifton A. Emahiser got close to getting it right by noting “no longer having access to Yahweh’s dimension.” It refers to leaving heaven. As a technical note, note that there is a difference between a fall and being cast out. When Satan fell (Genesis 3) he still had “access to Yahweh’s dimension” as he had to report his activities to God (Job 1). When the Angels fell (Genesis 6) they were locked away in the Abyss/Tartarus (Jude 6 & 2 Peter 2). They war with Michael and loyal Angles and are then cast out to Earth never to return to heaven (Revelation 12).
Clifton A. Emahiser also wrote:
That the fallen angles had the power to change themselves into the form of men is recorded in…“Testament of Reuben”, 2:18-19…“18 For thus they (the women) allured the Watchers (fallen angels) who were before the flood; for as these continually beheld them, they lusted after them, and they conceived the act in their mind; for they changed themselves into the shape of men, and appeared to them when they were [possibly not] with their husbands. 19 And the women lusting in their minds after their forms, gave birth to giants, for the Watchers appeared to them as reaching even unto heaven.”
With this exceptionally outstanding passage, we can more wholly comprehend what it means in Jude 6, the fallen “angels which kept not their first estate.”
Do you see what I mean about the Bible knowing no such thing? This is why Emahiser has to rely on an apocryphal text: there is no biblical reference for this. FYI: the Testament of Reuben is a portion of the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs and dates to 70-200 AD.
He also has a love-hate relationship with the Talmud and appeals to it in his desperation, “One of the very first things those opposed to a literal Satan-spawned physical seedline do, is point out the fact the information can be found in the Talmud….This idea is built on the assumption, that if it is found in the Talmud, it is automatically evil.”
As I noted in Clifton A. Emahiser’s special notice to all who deny two seedline #6 (part 1 and part 2) he has written the following of the Tamludim, ““It is well recognized they are the most evil books ever written. But we must even give the devil his just dues.”
Well, my objection to the literal Satan-spawned physical seedline is not that the information can be found in the Talmud but rather, that the information cannot be found in the Bible.
He also appeals to another apocryphal text:
…the seduction of Eve…can be found in…“The Protevangelion” 10:1-10: “1 And when her sixth month was come, Joseph returned from his building houses abroad, which was his trade, and entering into the house, found the Virgin grown big: 2 Then smiting upon his face, he said, With what face can I look up to the Lord my God? or, what shall I say concerning this young woman? 3 For I received her a Virgin out of the temple of the Lord my God! and have not preserved her such! 4 Who has thus deceived me? Who has committed this evil in my house, and seducing the Virgin from me, hath defiled her? 5 Is not the history of Adam exactly accomplished in me? 6 For in the very instant of his glory, the serpent came and found Eve alone, and seduced her. 7 Just after the same manner it has happened to me. 8 Then Joseph arising from the ground, called her, and said, O thou who hast been so much favoured by God, why hast thou done this? 9 Why hast thou thus debased thy soul, who wast educated in the Holy of Holies, and received thy food from the hand of angels? 10 But she, with a flood of tears, replied, I am innocent, and have known no man.”
FYI: The Protevangelion is aka The Protevangelium of James and was written circa 145 AD.
Interestingly, this story is about Joseph being wrong. He thinks that Mary was seduced sexual as was Eve but he was wrong about Mary and wrong about Eve.
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