Dr. Wesley A. Swift’s serpent seedline study bible Q&A
I am herein considering a “Study Bible Q&A” dating to July 7, 1965 AD by Dr. Wesley A. Swift. I previously wrote about Swift in Wesley A. Swift - Jews as serpent seed of Satan, the KKK and...
View ArticleBertrand L. Comparet on the Jews as Cain’s Satanic seedline-bloodline
…Genesis 4:1. "And Adam knew his wife, and she conceived and bare Cain." Notice that what is not said is more significant that what is said, the Bible nowhere says Adam begat Cain…there are literal...
View ArticleWillie Martin serpent seedline of Satan, Angels and gap theory
…this tree that has the knowledge of good and evil must be an angel…—Willie MartinHerein I consider Willie Martin’s The Two Seedlines. In this segment I will focus on his specific views about the Jews...
View ArticleProphetic Revelation’s Richard Gan on serpent seed and original sin
…the doctrine of the Serpent Seed (or the doctrine of the Original Sin) is neither an allegory, a myth, a legend, nor a fable, but is based on literal historical facts…—Richard GanUnder review is Rev....
View ArticleProphetic Revelation’s Richard Gan on Genesis 3 as serpent seed tale
…the doctrine of the Serpent Seed (or the doctrine of the Original Sin) is neither an allegory, a myth, a legend, nor a fable, but is based on literal historical facts…—Richard GanHerein we continue...
View ArticleProphetic Revelation’s Richard Gan on talking serpent as missing link
…the doctrine of the Serpent Seed (or the doctrine of the Original Sin) is neither an allegory, a myth, a legend, nor a fable, but is based on literal historical facts…—Richard GanHerein we continue...
View ArticleProphetic Revelation’s Richard Gan on Eve’s fornication with the serpent
…the doctrine of the Serpent Seed (or the doctrine of the Original Sin) is neither an allegory, a myth, a legend, nor a fable, but is based on literal historical facts…—Richard GanHerein we continue...
View ArticleProphetic Revelation’s Richard Gan on humanity as serpentine hybrids
…the doctrine of the Serpent Seed (or the doctrine of the Original Sin) is neither an allegory, a myth, a legend, nor a fable, but is based on literal historical facts…—Richard GanHerein we continue...
View ArticleClifton A. Emahiser’s Great Two Seedline Controversy War in Identity
It is simply amazing the various unreasonable, preposterous, nonsensical and twisted arguments that opponents of Two Seedline teaching advance to secure their groundless, unfounded and insecure...
View ArticleClifton A. Emahiser on Eve’s sex with Satan & gap theory
It is simply amazing the various unreasonable, preposterous, nonsensical and twisted arguments that opponents of Two Seedline teaching advance to secure their groundless, unfounded and insecure...
View ArticleClifton A. Emahiser Cain’s Satanic genetics seedline-bloodline
It is simply amazing the various unreasonable, preposterous, nonsensical and twisted arguments that opponents of Two Seedline teaching advance to secure their groundless, unfounded and insecure...
View ArticleMystery Babylon site on gap theory & serpent seedline
“…nowhere in the Bible does it say thateither Cain nor Abel were Adam's son… Those who have blood of this Serpent (and, possibly, other fallen angels) would go on to form ‘mixed’ multitudes of...
View ArticleClifton A. Emahiser Apocryphal Angels & serpent seedline of Satan
It is simply amazing the various unreasonable, preposterous, nonsensical and twisted arguments that opponents of Two Seedline teaching advance to secure their groundless, unfounded and insecure...
View ArticleWillie Martin - Scriptures The One Seedliners Deny
“…Jesus (who was not a Jew but rather of the white Adamic race)… Satan probably appeared to Eve as a handsome white god… the white race is a race of gods…”—Willie MartinUnder consideration is Willie...
View ArticleMystery Babylon site on pre Adamites & Angles in the garden of Eden
“…nowhere in the Bible does it say thateither Cain nor Abel were Adam's son… Those who have blood of this Serpent (and, possibly, other fallen angels) would go on to form ‘mixed’ multitudes of...
View ArticleWillie Martin - pre Adamic races and racist Whites as gods
“…Jesus (who was not a Jew but rather of the white Adamic race)… Satan probably appeared to Eve as a handsome white god… the white race is a race of gods…”—Willie MartinHerein I continue considering...
View ArticleMystery Babylon site on the serpent's sex with Eve
“…nowhere in the Bible does it say thateither Cain nor Abel were Adam's son… Those who have blood of this Serpent (and, possibly, other fallen angels) would go on to form ‘mixed’ multitudes of...
View ArticleWillie Martin - serpent seed of Satan etymology
“…Jesus (who was not a Jew but rather of the white Adamic race)… Satan probably appeared to Eve as a handsome white god… the white race is a race of gods…”—Willie MartinHerein I continue considering...
View ArticleMystery Babylon site on Cain's Satanic bloodline-seedline
“…nowhere in the Bible does it say thateither Cain nor Abel were Adam's son… Those who have blood of this Serpent (and, possibly, other fallen angels) would go on to form ‘mixed’ multitudes of...
View ArticleWillie Martin - Satan’s son Cain is not in Adam’s genealogy
“…Jesus (who was not a Jew but rather of the white Adamic race)… Satan probably appeared to Eve as a handsome white god… the white race is a race of gods…”—Willie MartinHerein I conclude considering...
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