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Mystery Babylon site on pre Adamites & Angles in the garden of Eden

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“…nowhere in the Bible does it say that
either Cain nor Abel were Adam's son…
Those who have blood of this Serpent (and, possibly, other fallen
angels) would go on to form ‘mixed’ multitudes of people…”
—Brett T. Mystery Babylon site

Herein I am considering the claims of Brett T. who runs “Mystery Babylon the Great, the Definitive Website.” At issue are some of his claims about the serpent seedline of Satan theory which holds that Cain is the son of Eve and Satan and thus he and his descendants carry on Satanic genetics. You can find this series here.

He asserts:

…there were angels fashioned around this same time as the above creation of Adam, to help him out in his daily garden chores. We get a hint of this in the Bible:
And again, when He (God) bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, He saith, And let all the angels of God worship him. - Heb. 1:6 (KJV)

Due to the gap theory, he also writes, “other human beings on the earth at this time, beyond just
Adam and Eve; also designated to help work the fields in and around the Garden.”
Well, the Bible knows nothing of either of these two claims (hence the reliance of apocrypha) and the Hebrews text obviously has nothing to do with it.

He notes:

…these angels discovered how much preferential treatment God had given to the man, these angels complained. We may, in the Bible, get a hint to the conversation between these angels and the Almighty, in regards to their dissatisfaction of Adam:

Psa. 8:
4 What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?
5 For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and has crowned him with glory and honor.
6 Thou madest him to have dominion of the works of thy hands...

This is what I meant about the folly of using the apocrypha to (mis)interpret the Bible. The Bible knows of no such thing but the Apocalypse of Moses does and so he attempts to read that into the Bible.
He does not seem to note that the Psalm continues thusly:

thou hast put all things under his feet:
All sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field;
The fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas.
O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!

This is hardly a dissatisfaction based complaint but is rather, a praising of God.

He then repeats a very common misconception, “Many of these terrestrial angels, since their fall, assumed a form which looked like any man around them…with just a couple of differences. They could have still maintained their ‘shining’ appearance, as one might picture a typical angel to have.” Well, perusing the history of the manner whereby one might picture a typical Angel shows how little the artwork has to do with the Bible.
The Bible knows nothing of Angels assuming human form, etc. Brett asserts that “We know, according to the Bible, that angels can make themselves appear to be human” but provides no quotations or citations. The fact is that biblically, Angles look like human males, have no wings and no halos. They are as physical as was Jesus after His resurrection with the ability to traverse dimensions to which we have no current access. Thus, Jesus could be touched, could eat, etc. and could also walk through a closed door, etc.

In contradistinction to Angels, Brett tells us that “Satan was purely a spiritual angel…If he was to make any change on the earth, he had to find a body to possess - to be able to act like a human being. And that's just what he did.”
Well, there are at least two reasons why this is not the case: 1) Satan is not purely spiritual (apparently meaning disembodied) and 2) Satan is not an Angel. Satan is a Cherub, Angels and Cherubim (and Seraphim) have different job functions, different titles, look differently, etc. and Cherubim are as physical as Angels which is how and why, for example, they could be stationed to guard the way to the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3).

Thus, he did not need to possess anyone or anything. Yet, Brett uses this concept to argue that Satan and the envious Angles wanted to “overthrow” Adam since he was the Garden’s “manager” as Brett puts it and they worked for him. Thus, or so Brett’s story goes, “The Serpent - one of these other fallen angels - volunteered his services. Their target? To seduce Eve.” Thus, he distinguishes Satan from the serpent.

He quotes the “Book of Adam [44]16.3a-16.4” thusly, as Satan tells the serpent “harken to me so that we may have Adam expelled from the wall of paradise.” He then tells us that “Satan, then, was allowed to possess the serpent” and they sought to acquire, “the richest and most luscious ‘fruits’ in the garden: Eve herself.”
Note that fruit is being interpreted as a person. In keeping with his gap theory, Brett noted, “there could have even been other human beings on the earth at this time, beyond just Adam and Eve.” Well indeed, if Eve is fruit then all of the fruit of the all of the trees mentioned in Genesis 2 must be people. Of course, this means that Adam and Eve were allowed to eat of the fruit—have sex with—all of the fruit except for those of one tree (they were also allowed to have sex with the fruit of the Tree of Life).

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