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Mystery Babylon site on the serpent's sex with Eve

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“…nowhere in the Bible does it say that
either Cain nor Abel were Adam's son…
Those who have blood of this Serpent (and, possibly, other fallen
angels) would go on to form ‘mixed’ multitudes of people…”
—Brett T. Mystery Babylon site

Herein I am considering the claims of Brett T. who runs “Mystery Babylon the Great, the Definitive Website.” At issue are some of his claims about the serpent seedline of Satan theory which holds that Cain is the son of Eve and Satan and thus he and his descendants carry on Satanic genetics. You can find this series here.

Brett notes that Eve “initially didn't want to eat the fruit” and asks “Did the serpent wholly seduce Eve to eat the forbidden fruit - first with words, then with actual, physical seduction?” At least he admits that this is a speculation (one which he attempts to justify at every turn) “Even though the Bible doesn't specifically state it.”

Brett then poses another rhetorical question:

Adam and Eve now felt ashamed, and took fig leaves to cover their private parts (Gen. 3:7). Now why would they rush to cover these? Was this, maybe, a reflection of something they did with them?...

When God punished Eve for her sin, it's interesting to note how many of her punishments revolved around sexuality, childbirth, and motherhood. Why?

Well, you can see how easy it would be to isolate this and allow the serpent seedline of Satan theorists to (mis)interpret it for you.
However, it seems that the reason they covered their nakedness is that in Genesis 2 it was pointed out they were naked and not shamed. The theorists could easily claim that they were not ashamed and ashamed of that which they had done with their nether regions. However, since the Bible knows nothing of that theory then the focus is shame. They were ashamed of having broken God’s commandment and the story does become, or so it seems, symbolic of attempting to cover their sin with works, having God reject their works based salvation and providing a covering which required the shedding of blood. One does not need to deny any and all symbolism simply because such theorists are going amiss and appealing to symbolism.

But what of Eve’s curse? Well, I dealt with this in detail in Serpent Seed of Satan article in a Christian Apologetics journal. The bottom line is that Adam and Eve’s curses tie directly into the little we are told about them. Adam had the hobby of gardening, in essence, but would thereafter have to work the land. Eve was the mother of all living and so her curse relates to that.

We now come to Cain with Brett writing:

The common term for fathering a child in the Bible is begat. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that Adam - Eve's husband - begat Cain! Plain as that. Although Cain was a child of Eve, could he possibly have had the genetic make up of someone else…nowhere in the Bible does it say that either Cain nor Abel were Adam's son; nor were they listed in any of the genealogies of Adam! Yet, Cain, for example, was said to be, in the Bible, ‘of the wicked one’ (I John 3:12). The Bible even says that the third-born son of Eve, Seth, was the first child born of her who actually resembled Adam, somewhat (Gen. 5:3)!

There are a few things with which to deal here.
Just because a “common term” is not used does not mean that Adam did not beget Cain and Abel as he “knew” Eve; but we will get to that. For now, note that apparently, not even Abel was Adam’s son.

Abel is not listed in the genealogy because he had no children. Cain was not listed because he absconded from Adam and Eve and started his own family. Ultimately, genealogies were to point to Jesus and the simple fact is that the many sons and daughters of Adam and Eve are not a part of it except for Seth.

Cain was “of the wicked one” but this is merely a partial quotation which is pulled out of its context. The text actually tells us how and why he is as such. Cain “was of that wicked one, and slew his brother” but why did he do so? “And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous.” Thus, this is about actions and not genetics. Yet, Brett will claim that his actions were motivated by his genetics, as we shall see.

The Bible never says that the third-born son of Eve was Seth. This is an assumption. Now, it may actually be an accurate one but he is not stated to be the third. Between Abel and Seth many daughters could have been born and, for that matter, many sons. Brett gets it right in nothing that the difference with Seth is that he “resembled Adam.”


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