I am herein considering a “Study Bible Q&A” dating to July 7, 1965 AD by Dr. Wesley A. Swift. I previously wrote about Swift in Wesley A. Swift - Jews as serpent seed of Satan, the KKK and pre-Adamic race.
I will focus upon the Q&A relevant to the serpent seedline of Satan theory which claims that Genesis 3 is symbolic of Eve (and Adam) having sex with Satan who is somehow doubly symbolized as both the serpent and the forbidden tree.
The relevant portion begins with “QUESTION:...The Book of the 'Upright' and the Book of 'The Wars of the Lord'....where are they found in the Lost books, or where? ANSWER:...Do you mean are they in the Apocrypha? QUESTION:...I just don't know.” Do not ask me but this is exactly how it was written (ellipses in original).
In any regard, the portion of interest herein begins with “ANSWER:...Well, one of the books of 'The Wars of the Lord' is also a part of the Dead Sea Scrolls. It is the 'Battle of the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness' which climaxes in the victory of the Children of Christ over the Anti-Christ at Armageddon.” It is noted that there is good and bad which I reference as it appears to become relevant when he gets to answering the “QUESTION:...The Tree of Good and Evil....”
![Dr. Wesley A. Swift_0.jpg](http://www.truefreethinker.com//sites/default/files/images/Dr.%20Wesley%20A.%20Swift_0.jpg)
In keeping with seedline misinterpretations, he begins the answer by stating, “It is a Family Tree” which “has intelligence because to have both good and evil you have to have intelligence. Therefore you have to have a soul” whatever that means.
As with most serpent seedline of Satan theorists Dr. Wesley A. Swift has his own take on certain details. His is that the fruit of the forbidden tree “was a mutation of seed which could not bare Light, it would be cohabitating with darkness.”
He claims that “the Trees in the Garden were many, for fruit and food, but there were already racial trees on earth of all kinds.” In relation to this, he cites Ezekiel 31 which contains a parabolic/symbolic story about the rise and fall of Satan in relation to the rise and fall of human kings.
However, Swift takes it to mean that “the Assyrian tree was all over the earth, and that the Egyptian tree was also an Empire. But the Assyrian branches were all over the earth when God put Adam and Eve on earth. So when Adam was placed here he was the first white man, an Aryan man, but he wasn't the first man if you are talking about everything that runs around walking upright.”
In keeping with such utterly un-, non- and anti-biblical views he concludes that “these countries were all under the fall of Lucifer and had some areas of darkness” and invents the claim that “none of these races was Adam permitted to marry with…Adam had been told he was not to have anything to do with these people…Adam and Eve were told, was not to mix the Holy Seed.”
He also asserts, “the Adamic race was told not to have anything to do with Lucifer either, or any of his race, or with any of the fallen races of earth like the Tungus people” who were “mongrelized and mutated.”
Thus, he claims that “this Tree of Good and Evil is not a food tree” and then comes the reason why I included Dr. Wesley A. Swift’s statements about the apocrypha: because he is pulling info from somewhere and it is certainly not the Bible.
He writes, “Eve was seduced by Lucifer, and Cain was the son of Lucifer, then after being seduced then Eve went to Adam and said:...I have received this son from the lord, and the word is just translated Lord, it was actually Baalie (he being Lord of the earth).” He is simply inventing that Eve knew not of what she spake. She is recorded as stating that she received Cain, via Adam, from the Lord, LORD, YHVH, the one and only true living God of the Bible. Yet, Swift corrupts God’s holy word and applies praises directed at God towards Satan. He claims that the “Lord” to whom Eve referred “was actually Baalie” aka Ba'al. This is a generic term for master and was applied to various false gods such as the Ba'al of Pero, Ba'al Zebub aka Beelzebub, etc.
From here it goes from very bad to even worse as he claims that eve “introduced Adam to Lillith the Serpent Woman, or the beautiful consort of Lucifer, called the mother of the Ganges or Kali in Hinduism today. This first connection with the darkness was made by Eve whom Lucifer seduced.”
He then takes it upon himself to radically re-write the Bible in (merely) asserting that the serpent told Eve, “did God tell you not to mingle or associate with us? Well, He just doesn't want you to become as gods, and be greater than He is. You will be just like we are, just like God, if you will join with us. We will show you all kinds of pleasures, all kinds of things you have never seen before, and Eve fell for this.”
He continues inserting his wild imaginings into the Bible thusly, “She then came running to Adam and she said:...I have mixed with these people, and I have had new experiences and see I am not dead. I want you to come and meet them. So she introduced Adam to Lillith. Well, Adam knew Lillith and sowed some of the Adamic seed into India thru this consort of Lucifer.”
Can you discern his racist views? You can see why Swift, et al., weave such tales since, for example as Swift puts it, “God told them that He would redeem them and put enmity between the seed of Adam and the seed of the Serpent forever.” Therefore, they think that they can justify their racist views.
Dr. Wesley A. Swift further claims that Adam “made a covering for himself of fig leaves, but this is symbolic. Lucifers Kingdom has the symbol of the Fig Leaf…the Temple finery of the golden fig leaf.” Well, wherever he got that and whatever that means, Dr. Wesley A. Swift does employ it towards his racist ends, “This is the reason why Jesus cursed the Fig tree because these Jews had control of the Temples religion, and they were serpent seed…Jesus said to these Jews who had clothes on and were walking around that they were the people...'ye are the generations of the viper' thus they had descended from the Serpent Seed.”
Well, I dealt with this claim—which may sound good on the surface but is unfounded—in Did Jesus teach the serpent seed of Satan theory in Matthew 23.
In short, Jesus make the biblical issue clear: this is about actions and not genetics (mutations, etc.). There are two lines in the Bible but they are not genetic rather, they are the line of the Godly who commit righteous actions versus the Satanic who commit sinful actions. The good news is that since this is about actions, repentance can change one from the line of the sinful to the line of the Godly.
Jesus calls the Pharisees hypocrites (actions) since they “appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.”
He references how they Pharisees think, “If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.” Yet, Jesus states, “ye are the children of them which killed the prophets” (actions) and in doing so “Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers.”
Thus, it is affirmed that they are genetic Hebrews and yet, “Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” due to their actions.
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