![Bertrand L. Comparet.jpg](http://www.truefreethinker.com//sites/default/files/images/Bertrand%20L.%20Comparet.jpg)
…Genesis 4:1. "And Adam knew his wife, and she conceived
and bare Cain." Notice that what is not said is more significant that
what is said, the Bible nowhere says Adam begat Cain…there are
literal children of Satan surviving in the world today…
—Bertrand L. Comparet
With this series, which I herein conclude, I will consider Bertrand L. Comparet, A.B., J.D.’s The Cain/Satanic Seed Line. You can find the series on Comparet here.
Bertrand L. Comparet writes that “people are divided into two classes” and attempts to buttress his racism by stating that “I John 3:12 records that as for those that are our brothers, not the children of Satan, we should love them and not be as Cain.” Thus, love those of Adamic genetics but not those of Satanic genetics (basically anyone who does not have the same epidermal pigmentation as Comparet).
He quotes 1 John 3:10, “‘In this the children (teknon) of God are manifest, and the children (teknon) of the devil’. Remember, John has talked about us as the born teknon of Yahweh and the others as the born teknon of the devil.” But in what context? Well, he does also quote verse 12 which, indeed, states that Cain, “who was of that wicked one and slew his brother.” He then writes, “The people that have churchianity rather than Christianity say, ‘Oh well, you know it doesn't say that he was a son, it just means that Cain was morally associated with Satan and was bad and a reprobate and so on.’”
Well, the people that have serpent seedline of Satan theory rather than Christianity claim that the Bible tells us that Cain who was of that wicked one but it does not at least not within Comparet’s context. For instance, note that Cain was of that wicked one in that he took the action of slaying his brother. Moreover, the text actually tells us why he did so, “And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous.” Thus, he did so because his works, actions, were evil and not his genetics. It is amazing what happens when we read a text for context.
Bertrand L. Comparet asserts that “the Jews are the descendants of Cain and therefore from the devil.” He then refers to John 8:31-33, “If ye continue in My doctrines indeed, then ye shall be My disciples; and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. They answered Him, We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man.” Yet, he notes that “all of Abraham's children had been in bondage at one time or another” so that “these people weren't descendants of Abraham.” Well, this actually means that they were speaking to a context of which we are not exactly aware of simply wrong (perhaps lying, exaggerating, etc.).
Of course, as aforementioned, in verse 37 Jesus states, “I know that ye are Abraham's seed” so that Comparet is arguing against Jesus at this point.
He notes that “Esau married two Canaanite women in violation of Yahweh's law. Esau couldn't leave anything but mongrelized satanic descendants” and that “John Hyrcanus, one of the Maccabee kings…offered the Edomites a choice; he would spare them if they would accept the religion of Judaism. This was not the religion of the Old Testament ever; it was what was brought back from Babylon with the Babylonian Talmud.”
I do not know if his timeline is accurate but it is true that, as I will term it, Rabbinic Judaism is not the faith of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Aaron, Moses, etc. But is exactly that, a Rabbinic religion which holds Rabbinic thought on the same level as, if not up above and beyond, God’s own word: the Talmuds over the Bible. Bertrand L. Comparet quotes Rabbi Stephen S. Wise thusly, “The return from Babylon and the introduction of the Babylonian Talmud marked the end of Hebrewism and the beginning of Judaism.”
He states that “People have asked me if I thought the Jews know of their descent from Cain” and that “They certainly do, and here is how they proved they know” get ready for the evidence which is, drum roll please, “The Jews have given the owner of the radio station on which I broadcast, a very bad time.” Well then, there it is. Here is a thought: perhaps the reason that “The Jews” (is that painting with a broom enough?) have given the owner of the radio station on which Comparet broadcasts a very bad time is because Comparet was an anti-Semitic racist.
Apparently, “The Jews” wanted his show to be cancelled and the station’s owner told them that if they can show “anything that you think is untrue, although they are paying for their time, I will give you an equal amount of free time for you to answer them” but alas “Surprise, surprise, the Jews didn't take the station owner up on his offer.”
Well we have to take his word for it but I certainly would have loved to take that offer.
Note that in order to do away with the hybrid Nephilim bloodline God flooded the Earth so that they all drowned to death. However, when Cain, who would supposedly spread his alleged hybrid bloodline, God actually protects him even in the midst of cursing him, “the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him” (Genesis 4:15).
Well, Comparet notes that the station ended up hiring a Jew who would censor the programs and “On one of my broadcast tapes, I quoted the Bible verses telling that after Cain killed Abel, Cain had been a farmer…I went on to say that I suppose you have noticed that the children of Cain are not farmers today. You find them in financial and money lending institutions. I didn't use the forbidden word Jew, I just said the children of Cain. Guess what the Jew censor cut out of my tape! As a Jew he knew exactly whom I was talking about. Yes, they know who they are.”
Well, maybe but then again maybe they discerned that Comparet spoke of “The Jews” due to his context and they did not appreciate his greater context of being called literal descendants of Satan himself.
Yet, Bertrand L. Comparet is aware of God’s protection of Cain and notes, “If, as the preachers teach, Adam and Eve were the parents of the only people on earth who were these other people? The only other child of Adam and Eve, at this time, was Abel and he was dead.”
Wrong again. He is obviously attempting to make room for his fictional myth of pre Adamic races. Yet, when Genesis 5 goes back to offer details we find out that while Cain and Abel were growing up multiple generations passed and plenty of people are born. For example, “And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters” (Genesis 5:4).
In fact, we are only given the names of three of Adam and Eve’s children: Cain, Abel and Seth and yet we are not told that Seth was their third born but only that Eve considered him a replacement, of sorts, for Abel.
Comparet rightly notes that which I referenced which is that God “put a mark on him so the people would recognize him and not kill him. Just what was that mark?” Well, the Bible does not tell us but Comparet does, “Did Yahweh tattoo something on the sole of Cain's foot or where Cain would sit down on it? No, long before any hidden mark could possibly be seen, Cain would have been killed. Yahweh had to put this mark where it was the first thing others would see, He put it in the exact geometrical center of Cain's face. This big Jew nose they have borne ever since, as the sculptured monuments of the ancient empires show.”
So, apparently, God performed a reverse rhinoplasty of sorts. And Comparet wonders why “The Jews” had a problem with his show—oi vey!
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