…the doctrine of the Serpent Seed
(or the doctrine of the Original Sin)
is neither an allegory, a myth, a legend,
nor a fable, but is based on literal historical facts…
—Richard Gan
Under review is Rev. Richard Gan’s article The Doctrine of the Serpent Seed and The Doctrine of the Original Sin... which derives from his 1998 AD book, “The Serpent Seed THE ORIGINAL SIN.” You can find the whole series here.
As with most serpent seedline of Satan theorists he claims to have received personal private revelation from God, “I was led to the light of the revelation of God's Word in 1971.” In keeping with such a high prophetic view of themselves they also look down on, in a manner of speaking, those who deny their theory, “The average denominational Christians generally lack spiritual interest…lack the spiritual insight of the Word of God.” He also wrote, “The carnal minded people” which is in reference to they who reject his serpent seed theory “always give the Bible their carnal interpretations based on personal opinion, church theology, traditions of man, or "my church teaches some other way". To understand the mystery of God's Word we have to put away such childish attitudes, and be mature and learn wisely.” He also writes that “Traditional theology has so numbed the minds of people” and refers to “‘churchylogy’ nonsense.”
Thus, they claim to have uncovered and ancient mystery, “When you have understood this doctrine of the Original Sin, you will then truly appreciate why Jesus Christ had to be VIRGIN BORN and why He had to shed His Own Precious BLOOD to save us from eternal damnation” (emphasis in original: in fact, his text is peppered with emphasis and so all emphasis which follows is within the original).
This is a typical pattern repeated time and again as I noted most succinctly in Serpent Seedline of Satan Neo-Gnosticism.
Also, many some serpent seed of Satan theorists, such as Richard Gan, trace their theory’s lineage to he about whom Gan writes of as a prophet, “There is no doubt that Bro. William M. Branham had preached all his messages correctly. But many of his followers would lift the prophet so high up that they would take every word that he uttered as literally God's spoken word, even taking all his sermons to be the Third Testament” (see On William Branham’s sermon “The Serpent’s Seed”). Some such as Gan do this knowingly and yet others surely derive info from Branham without acknowledging it or perhaps without knowing it as quotations become paraphrased without citations.
Image from Richard Gan’s article/book
Richard Gan tells us, “the doctrine of the Serpent Seed (or the doctrine of the Original Sin) is neither an allegory, a myth, a legend, nor a fable, but is based on literal historical facts set forth and emphasized by the use of certain particular expressions or figures of speech” (emphasis in original). Note two things straight away: he equates the serpent seed theory with the doctrine of original sin which may make for quite a bit of confusion and which may end up meaning that if we discredit the former we will be viewed as seeking to discredit the latter. Of course, his claim is that the original sin was the serpent seed: Eve having sex with a serpent. Also, we see his approach instantly as he is claiming that the theory is factual.
He begins by quoting Genesis 3:14-15 and emphasizing the terms, “Serpent” and with reference to the serpent, “thy seed.”
He make an interesting statement in that “like the angels he was created in the image and likeness of God.” The Bible never actually states that Angels were created in God’s image but it is a reasonable conclusion since Angels look like human males with no wings nor halos (Cherubim and Seraphim are a different story as they are different categories of being).
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