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Prophetic Revelation’s Richard Gan on Genesis 3 as serpent seed tale

Rev. Richard Gan Serpent Seed of Satan.jpg
…the doctrine of the Serpent Seed
(or the doctrine of the Original Sin)
is neither an allegory, a myth, a legend,
nor a fable, but is based on literal historical facts…

—Richard Gan

Herein we continue considering Rev. Richard Gan’s article The Doctrine of the Serpent Seed and The Doctrine of the Original Sin... which derives from his 1998 AD book, “The Serpent Seed THE ORIGINAL SIN.” You can find the whole series here.

As a technical point, note that Gan writes that “God commanded every species of life…to bring forth seed after its own kind…commanded each species of living things to bring forth its own kind (Gen.1:11,24).”
Just as Gan correlates the doctrine of the Serpent Seed with the doctrine of the original sin, he correlates species with kinds. However, there are various scientific definitions of “species” and the biblical concept is that of kinds (generally, a reference to organisms that can mate with each other).

Gan notes that “to hybridizeis to go against God's commandment and law of reproduction.” This, he claims ultimately leads to “the hybridizing of Mankind with the Serpent-kind.”

Richard Gan refers to “EVERY TREE that was good for food for Adam to eat (or partake)” and states:

Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The carnal minded people would give these two trees a carnal interpretation that they were two real literal natural fruit trees.
But if the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was a real literal tree, it would certainly be contradictory to God's own words in Genesis 2:9 if its fruits could not be eaten — "And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food" See! Every tree bearing fruits was good for food!

Let us pause here to note that he is again aggrandizing himself up over and above “The carnal minded people.” Now, he claims that reading Genesis 3 as is contradicts Genesis 2.
To his point about the trees: this seems to be much ado about nothing. Genesis 2 noted that indeed, “out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil…And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.”
Thus, there is no contradiction as every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food is allowable except for one. For example, I like every vegetable except for celery so can someone claim that I said that “I like every vegetable”? No, because there was more to it than that, more context and context determined meaning. Thus, what I said could be paraphrased as “I do not like every vegetable since I do not like celery but I do like all other vegetables.
Richard Gan serpent seedline Satan.jpg
Image from Richard Gan’s article/book

Gan the asserts that there is a cover up and it is right there in the Bible, “something other than natural trees as they did not grow out of the ground (cf. Gen.2:9b - "the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil", a phrase interposed to hide a truth.)…God's way of hiding Truth whilst revealing It [sic].”
He then claims that “This particular expression could only be understood by analyzing…the meanings of the following terminologies: "Tree of Life", "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil", "In the midst of the garden", "Eat" and "Fruit".”
I have already been down this road with serpent seed of Satan theorists thus, I will direct the interested reader to the article Disambiguating the serpent seedline of Satan theory in Genesis 3part 1 and particularly part 2. Here is a taste of Gan’s take on it, “the human body is the garden, and in the midst of the garden is the sexual reproductive organ.”

In short, they claim that since terms such as tree, fruit, seed, etc. have more than one meaning—as do all words in all languages—Genesis 3 can be reinterpreted as these terms also refer to sexuality. Simply stated, it is inappropriate to simply pick and choose definitions and sting them together as per one’s presuppositions. Rather, context determines meaning and Genesis 3 elucidates its own context.


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